Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Willem van Gogh

He was born in 30 March 1853 in Groot-Zundert, in the southern of Netherlands
He died on 29 July 1890 in Auvers-sur-oise, France.
Van Gogh was born as the son of Anna C. Carbentus and Theodorus van Gogh a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church.

Arles’ bridge(may 1888)
This painting is about a bridge which can be opened to let ships through.
In a sunny day, an old woman is walking on the bridge. And you can see two villages.
The river is quiet small and not fast.

We like him because he is a good pinter and his pictures are very interesting. There are lots of different pictures. So we hope that you like him!
Marc Ollmann and Guillermo Lopez

Friday, July 18, 2008

Excursion to London

On Thursday we did an academical excursion to London:

A bus took us to London, we drove about 40 minutes, some tried to sleep, others were talking to each other. We arrived at the same place as one week before; we had to wait a few minutes for the other buses, then we got our lunch and went with our guide. The walk was about the Plague and the Great Fire of London, two of the biggest disasters that happened in London's history. We went to the place where the fire began and we went to a place where a rich man tried to protect his valuables from the fire. It was an interesting walk and we learned interesting things about these two events, which happened one after another.

After this walk we had 30 minutes to have some lunch. We ate our lunch packet, which was given to us by the school and we could buy some extra food and extra drinks. We took a few photos and relaxed a bit.

After that we went to the HMS Belfast, a boat which had gone to many places in the world and was finally taken to London, where it is a museum.

The time on the boat was exciting because it was quite tight in the boat and we went over many stairs. The bedroom of the seamen was interesting: They had to sleep 1,5 metres above the ground in hammocks. To imitate how the life has been on board there were some statues which looked quite alive. The boat was really big so that we couldn't see all of it but we saw a few parts near the bottom and a quite near the top.

All in all it was an interesting day in London although it was a bit rainy.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend Blgs

The first weekend
On Friday evening we had an Assembly, which was really funny. Kate moderated the show. We saw drama play, which was sometimes scary, especially the end (there was a really loud scream), sometimes it was funny. We also had the star student award, where students got special notification for having done good things over the week. After the Assembly we went to activities. I did tennis and we played till it went dark, which was quite exhausting.

On Saturday the whole school went to Cambridge to do some shopping. We had about 3 hours there; so that we could walk through the whole town: First we couldn't find the centre with all the shops, but after a time we got there. We went to a church and almost everybody brought a "Cambridge University" shirt or sweatshirt. Our group couldn't find the mall of the city, where there are also many sport shops... When we got back to our bus, other people showed us what they had bought in the mall, which we couldn't find. Before we could start our bus ride back to Queenswood, we had to wait for one boy, who was not on the bus. After about 30 minutes of waiting he arrived with two police officers. He told us, that he got lost and couldn't find the way back to the bus after his friends has left him.
All in all it was a nice trip to that beautiful town of Cambridge.
In the evening there was a disco in the Dining Hall, which was quite good, the music was okay and a lot of people were dancing. A lot of interesting things happened...

On Sunday many people went to Thorpe Park, I didn't go, because I wanted to do a lazy day. After the others had left, I went to play football, the game was a bit boring, because we haven't been so many people and we were playing on the big field with big goals. after that we drank a bit, ate lunch, played a bit chess and then I slept a few minutes. After sleeping I went to computer and after that to tennis. I didn't play so much because I was still a bit tired. After the others came back and we all ate lunch I played table tennis.
After a nice week and a nice weekend I went to bed and was really tired.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The first full day

My first full day in Lines was yesterday, on the 7th July 2008. After breakfast we couldn't start lessons, because some guys had to do their check in and their tests first. We were subdivided into seniors and juniors. I went to juniors, because they told me, that 15-years-old guys are juniors. But they didn't call me out, so I had to wait another 30 minutes untill they put me to the Whitman class.
School has been interesting, after dinner we did activities. Unfortunately it has been raining all day, so that it was not possible to do some sports. Some activities have been cancelled, which meant the others have been quite full...

All in all the first full day at Queenswood has been quite cool.