Friday, July 18, 2008

Excursion to London

On Thursday we did an academical excursion to London:

A bus took us to London, we drove about 40 minutes, some tried to sleep, others were talking to each other. We arrived at the same place as one week before; we had to wait a few minutes for the other buses, then we got our lunch and went with our guide. The walk was about the Plague and the Great Fire of London, two of the biggest disasters that happened in London's history. We went to the place where the fire began and we went to a place where a rich man tried to protect his valuables from the fire. It was an interesting walk and we learned interesting things about these two events, which happened one after another.

After this walk we had 30 minutes to have some lunch. We ate our lunch packet, which was given to us by the school and we could buy some extra food and extra drinks. We took a few photos and relaxed a bit.

After that we went to the HMS Belfast, a boat which had gone to many places in the world and was finally taken to London, where it is a museum.

The time on the boat was exciting because it was quite tight in the boat and we went over many stairs. The bedroom of the seamen was interesting: They had to sleep 1,5 metres above the ground in hammocks. To imitate how the life has been on board there were some statues which looked quite alive. The boat was really big so that we couldn't see all of it but we saw a few parts near the bottom and a quite near the top.

All in all it was an interesting day in London although it was a bit rainy.

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